You can find detailed information about getting to Vitoria-Gasteiz on this page, but here is some quick advice:
If you travel by train, please check the RENFE (Spanish National Railways Company) website for schedules and prices.
If you travel by plane, the closest airport is Bilbao. From there you will have to take two buses to arrive in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The first can be found at the Departures level of the airport; it is a public transport bus that takes you to Bilbao Bus Station (final stop). From there you take the second bus to Vitoria-Gasteiz with the La Union company. This may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. Alternatively, you can take a taxi, but it will cost you more than 120 euro.
If you fly to Madrid the ALSA company has a service of buses that take you from the airport to Vitoria-Gasteiz directly.
Suggested accomodation
Please view suggested accommodation below:
Salón de Grados, Ground Floor
Paseo de la Universidad, 5. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Unibertsitateko Ibilbidea, 5. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz